Tuesday, June 30, 2009

So this is the first summer since I was probably 16 that I am not working. It feels great! Week 1 I spent in Murrieta (near Temecula) with my cousin Sonny. He just moved into a new apartment. I am so happy for him. While I was there, I couldn't help but remember the first time I moved into an apartment all by myself. I remember feeling proud, responsible, and scared all at once. Here's a couple pics from the game. Sonny is sad because he's an A's fan and the Dodger's won. Go Dodgers! We had a great time at a Native American casino and a Dodger game.

Also, I've been spending a lot of time with my baby cousins Danielle (3 years old, will turn 4 in July) and Jaydee only a 2 1/2 months old. Danielle and Jaydee are exactly 3 years 9 months apart in age. That's the same age difference between Alisha and I (my only girl cousin, like a sister since neither of us have sisters). That's so weird! But aren't they the cutest?

Well, I need to step up my fitness program. Geof and I have been eating at home a lot more often. I just need to increase my physical activity. I guess 1/2 hour walks with Dora and Daisy (my pups) aren't enough :-( I will work on getting an established fitness routine during the month of July. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 1, 2009

So in case anyone didn't know. I seem to be what we call, "reproductively challenged". Well, maybe not completely but as my OB/GYN says, it's going to be harder for me to get pregnant than others. :-( I won't go into the details but it has to do with my unpredictable cycle. Oh well. I'm not even really sure Geof and I are ready to be parents but we do know we're not getting any younger. Geof use to always say, "nobody's ever really ready to be a parent". I didn't use to understand that but now I think I do.
If Geof and I got pregnant right after we got married, we would already have a three year old. Yikes! I can't even imagine that. When/if I get pregnant, I just hope it's before I'm 35. My egg's aren't getting any smarter. LOL
What makes it hard is that I am now at an age where all my friends are either having babies or already have children. Although I am so happy for them, it's hard to face that I might never know the joy of carrying my own child. Eh, I'm not a deeply religious person, but maybe some higher power has a different path for me. It's just hard to deal with.
But to look at the positive side of the story, Geof and I are continuously working on our relationship together. I loved him within the first few months that I met him, I loved him the day we were married, but I love him even more now. We know each other so well that we can predict our mood swings. I know I'm far from a perfect wife. I'm bossy, pessimistic, controlling, and did I mention bossy? But I will work on being a better wife for my husband. He is a big kid and I'm pretty sure he'll always be that way. He has a big heart, bigger than anyone else I know. That big heart of his isn't always visible to all, but I know how often he puts others in front of himself, and I will continue to love him with all my heart for that reason and many others.
Well, I don't think anyone actually reads this but it helps to type it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hello. Been a very busy few months. I'm almost half ways done with my master's class. It's not very hard work, just hard to fit the work in my already busy day. I also have a new niece. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law Ben and Jenna have a beautiful new baby girl, Kharlee. She was almost born in Sizzler! Also took a few trips to L.A. I will write more later...

Madi and "Bob" from Bob's Big Boy in Burbank

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Been Awhile

So I just realized how I get stuff done. Last night I was playing Guitar Hero World Tour with my family (Geof, Alisha, RayD, and Alonzo) and while I was rocking out on the drums and guitar, I stopped for a second. I stopped to really look at the screen and I for the first time noticed just how fast those colored lights were appearing on screen. But as fast and as multi-layered they came, I was able to hit about 97% of them. It's so funny because just over a year ago, when I first picked up that silly little guitar controller, I couldn't get through 25% of a song on Easy! Now I can easily score 95 % on medium. If someone were to tell 18 year Jewely that at 29 I would be in my 8th year of teaching (middle school students, yikes), married for over 3 years, living in a beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath house, coaching the 5/6th grade volleyballt team twice a week afterschool, being the student council advisor, and being a graduate student at Fresno State, I would have dropped that controller and said no way, I can't do that. But it's funny, just like I play Guitar Hero, I can zone out and focus on the indivdual parts of the task at a time and before I notice it, I've completed my song pretty successfully. Now, once again, just like with Guitar Hero, by no means am I at the Expert level, but slowly but surely, I'm trying to get there, one flashing light at a time. By the way, Guitar Hero may be silly, but it sure is fun.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July 2008!

Geof and I had a pretty mellow fourth of July here at our house. While the Lickey's were at the Nazarene Family Camp, the Lopez's were sick/tired, Geof and I stayed home with our pups Dora and Daisy. We sat on our front porch watching the Sanger High fireworks show. Now, I must have taken over 90 pics and I only got a couple of okay shots. To see some professional firework pictures take a look at Jerelyn's blog. I'm so jealous. heehee

Trip to Los Angeles, 07-08

So Geoffie and I went to Los Angeles on the 28th and 29th. He went to work on computers, I went to shop and visit my favorite cousin Alisha. We had so much fun, made me miss L.A. :(

This is the Starbucks I first worked at in Culver City. I think I took a picture of a ghost on the street! Yowza@

Here is my Geoffie when I picked him up afterwork. I know what he's saying, "How much did she spend shopping?"

Here's beautiful Alisha exiting Old Navy! That
little boy is in love with her! Watch out Alonzo!

The Santa MOnica Promenade was and still is one of my favorite places to visit in L.A.!

Alisha and I enjoying our yummy and healthy bacon-wrapped hot dogs in Hollywood!

Alisha and my soon to be cousin-in law Alonzo. They are so cute!

A pretty dark shot of the Mann Chinese Theatre. We saw Get Smart, I was soooooooooooooo tired but the movie was very funny.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello all,

Okay so I haven't really kept up with the whole blogging updates so let me see here...

Well first of all, as you can see from my picture here on the left, I have a huge scratch/cut on my forehead, long story short, it involved a straightener and a burn that I irritated by scratching.  The mark is kinda distracting to my summer school kids.  One student seriously asked me a couple days ago if it was a hickey.  Really, I didn't make that up.  

Speaking of summer school, I started teaching two weeks ago.  I've taught summer school every summer for the past 5-6 years.  Never have had a problem till this year.  I've never been insulted by so many middle school students in such a short period of time (at least not to my face).  It's been very hard to say the least.  I have not come home crying from a day of teaching since my first year in L.A.  Well, last week I was so frustrated with their behavior I just broke down when I got home.  Thank God I have such a sweet understanding husband to help pick my head up and keep trying.  This week was not the best, but it was better.

Geof and I are heading to L.A. on Saturday and Sunday.  I will be sure to post pics from the Santa Monica Promenade.